Site Update Status

The goal when we took over a few years ago was to revitalize the site and foster member engagement and keep the site relevant and useful for the Supra community. There have been some ups and downs and quite a steep learning curve.

We initially moved the site to a new pro bono host in the Supra community and set to work on the functionality of the site. It became clear pretty quickly that the web designer contracted by the previous owner wouldn’t be available to make the repairs and updates to the site. We contemplated going back to the old site framework. We determined that the WordPress platform gives us the functionality necessary to have user interaction and the ability to have multiple contributors adding, editing and updating articles.

After some time, the pro-bono host had a change in business focus and we had to search for a new host. We found a host who specializes in WordPress hosting and transferred the site. Since then, we have been working (albeit slowly) on fixing functionality (as users report errors) and doing the groundwork to add new features.

A few months ago, the site was hacked and went down. We worked to get site back up. Despite many anti-malware and spam tools, we recently realized that the theme that had been used was still harboring some suspect code. It was a good (and necessary) opportunity to replace the site theme.

Based on feedback, we’ve changed theme and are working on making the site more user friendly and giving it a look and feel more familiar long time users while still keeping and improving the current functionality. We are still working out a few bugs with the new theme but they should be resolved in the near future.

As we near our 20th year as a website and resource, we look forward to help make and keep this site relevant and useful for many more Supra owner generations to come.

Sincerely, Admin Team

If you have constructive feedback and/or would like to become a site contributor, please respond to this thread in the form below, leave a comment or message the Admin Team.

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Update (July 15th):

Afternooon all!
As you may have seen, we have the site running on the new theme. However we are still having some issues with old code fouling up the menu functions, etc. 

In the next few days we’re are going to be doing a full reinstall, so there may be some downtime while we’re working on the repairs.

If the site is down, please check this post on our Facebook Page for updates. Update Status

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